On May 17, 2022, the city of Charly, belonging to the Urban Community of Lyon, and the Château de la Poupée training center for apprentices signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the presence of Christophe Giovannetti, Secretary General, representing Mrs. Corinne Lepage, President, and Carole Berté, Treasurer.
In the morning, Olivier Araujo, mayor of Charly, an urban municipality located in the south-east of the Metropolis of Lyon in the Auvergne-Rhóne-Alpes region, signed the Charter accompanied by his deputy mayor for the environment, Marie-Laurence Ré, agronomist, Michel Fournier, municipal councillor for security and culture and the mayor of Vernaison, Jullien Vuillemard.
Charly is a town where life is good and which has “the charm of a village and the potential of a town”, a town of history which has an important heritage linked to agriculture and especially to arboriculture with natural spaces and orchards which occupy 50% of the territory.
Charly is a city committed to respecting nature, preserving natural spaces, researching ancient and contemporary seeds, and protecting species. Within the framework of climate change and its ecological policy, it has set up the Melchior Farm, a laboratory of ideas and experiments on European biodiversity, for the past two years. This Resource Center of Applied Botany (CRBA) directed by Stéphane Crozat, ethnobotanist, proposes new answers and develops scientific research programs by integrating the food and environmental challenges.
This Center is supported by the city but also by the Metropolis, the patronage, the associative fabric. It has links with the World Seed Bank in St. Petersburg. The second signature of the day concerns the training center for gastronomy apprentices (CFAG) directed by the starred chef Christian Têtedoie at the Château de Lacroix-Laval in Marcy -l’Etoile, property of the Grand Lyon, seat of the former doll museum. This center will open in September 2022. Unique in France, it will be dedicated to gastronomic cuisine. It will allow the apprentices to be trained in an intensive way on the trade, the knowledge of the products, and the producers. It will allow students to learn the tricks of the trade of great cooks, bakers and pastry cooks for three months and then to spend two years working in great restaurants… This center, which aims to reconcile young people with apprenticeship, which seeks excellence and transmission, is made up of two application restaurants, a tea room, a bakery-pastry laboratory and an educational vegetable garden.
The Charter signed by the town of Charly in the person of Mayor Olivier Araujo and the one signed by the Château de la Poupée apprentice training center by the famous starred chef Christian Têtedoie confirm their commitment to human and sustainable development, their commitment to traditional knowledge and the maintenance of biodiversity, and confirm their responsibility towards present and future generations. These signatures have symbolic value following the signature of major cities such as Paris, Strasbourg or San Francisco of the attachment of all to the protection of life.
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