The DDHU statement


Recalling that humanity and nature are at risk and that in particular the adverse effects of climate change, the accelerating loss of biodiversity, the degradation of land and oceans, constitute violations of the fundamental rights of human beings and a vital threat to present and future generations

Noting that the extreme gravity of the situation, which is a matter of concern for all humanity, requires the recognition of new principles and new rights and duties,
Recalling its commitment to the principles and rights recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including equality between women and men, and to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations

Recalling the 1972 Stockholm Declaration on the Environment, the 1982 New York World Charter for Nature, the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the 2000 United Nations General Assembly resolutions “Millennium Declaration” and “The Future We Want” of 2012,

Recalling that this same peril is recognized by the actors of civil society, in particular the networks of people, organizations, institutions and cities in the Earth Charter of 2000,

Recalling that humanity, which includes all individuals and human organizations, includes past, present and future generations, and that the continuity of humanity is based on this intergenerational link,

Reaffirming that the Earth, the home of humanity, constitutes a whole marked by interdependence and that the existence and future of humanity are inseparable from its natural environment,

Convinced that the fundamental rights of human beings and the duties to safeguard nature are intrinsically interdependent, and convinced of the essential importance of preserving the good state of the environment and improving its quality

Considering the special responsibility of present generations, in particular of States which have the primary responsibility in this matter, but also of peoples, intergovernmental organizations, enterprises, including multinational companies, non-governmental organizations, local authorities and individuals

Considering that this particular responsibility constitutes duties towards humanity, and that these duties, like these rights, must be implemented through just, democratic, ecological and peaceful means,

Considering that the recognition of the inherent dignity of humanity and its members constitutes the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Proclaims the following principles, rights and duties and adopts this declaration:


  • ARTICLE I: The principle of responsibility, equity and solidarity, both intra- and inter-generational, requires the human family, and in particular the States, to work together in a common and differentiated manner to safeguard and preserve humanity and the earth.
  • ARTICLE II: The principle of the dignity of humanity and its members implies the satisfaction of their basic needs and the protection of their intangible rights. Each generation ensures that this principle is respected over time.
  • ARTICLE III: The principle of the continuity of the existence of humanity guarantees the safeguarding and preservation of humanity and the earth, through prudent human activities that respect nature, particularly living beings, both human and non-human, doing everything possible to prevent any serious or irreversible transgenerational consequences.
  • ARTICLE IV: The principle of non-discrimination on the basis of generation preserves humanity, in particular future generations, and requires that activities or actions undertaken by present generations do not cause or perpetuate an undue reduction of resources and choices for future generations.


  • ARTICLE V: Humanity, like all living species, has the right to live in a healthy and ecologically sustainable environment.
  • ARTICLE VI: Humanity has the right to responsible, equitable, solidarity-based and sustainable development.
  • ARTICLE VII: Humanity has the right to the protection of the common heritage and its natural and cultural, tangible and intangible heritage.
  • ARTICLE VIII: Humanity has the right to the preservation of the common goods, in particular air, water and soil, and to universal and effective access to vital resources. Future generations have a right to their transmission.
  • ARTICLE IX: Mankind has the right to peace, in particular the peaceful settlement of disputes, and to human security, in the environmental, food, health, economic and political fields. This right aims, among other things, to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.
  • ARTICLE X: Humanity has the right to free choice in determining its destiny. This right is exercised by taking into account the long term, and in particular the inherent rhythms of humanity and nature, in collective choices.


  • ARTICLE XI: The present generations have the duty to ensure the respect of the rights of humanity, as well as of all living species. The respect of human rights, which are inseparable, apply to successive generations.
  • ARTICLE XII: The present generations, guarantors of resources, ecological balances, the common heritage and the natural, cultural, tangible and intangible heritage, have the duty to ensure that this legacy is preserved and that it is used with prudence, responsibility and equity.
  • ARTICLE XIII: In order to ensure the continuity of life on earth, the present generations have the duty to do everything possible to preserve the atmosphere and climatic equilibrium and to prevent as much as possible the displacement of people due to environmental factors and, failing that, to rescue and protect the people concerned.
  • ARTICLE XIV: The present generations have the duty to direct scientific and technical progress towards the preservation and health of the human species and other species. To this end, they must, in particular, ensure access to and use of biological and genetic resources that respects human dignity, traditional knowledge and the maintenance of biodiversity.
  • ARTICLE XV: The States and other public and private subjects and actors have the duty to integrate the long term and to promote human and sustainable development. This and the principles, rights and duties proclaimed by this declaration must be the subject of teaching, education and implementation.
  • ARTICLE XVI: States have the duty to ensure the effectiveness of the principles, rights and duties proclaimed in this Declaration, including by organizing mechanisms to ensure their respect.

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