Ecologic Pour l'article de la DDHu

The national Eco-organization ECOLOGIC affixes a new signature to the DDHu!

On Tuesday, March 13, Ecologic signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in the person of Mr. René-Louis Perrier, President of Ecologic and in the presence of Ms. Lepage, lawyer and former Minister of the Environment and MEP.

Ecologic is an eco-organization approved by the State to organize the collection, the depollution and the recovery of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) on the French territory. Invested with a mission of general interest, Ecologic is now part of the companies that have signed the DDHu!

If you also wish to sign the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, you can contact the Friends of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by mail at 42 rue de Lisbonne 75008 Paris !

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