Carte des ambassadeurs de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Humanité

Ambassadors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is represented by some 50 ambassadors in 16 different countries.

This list includes the 11 members of the Board of Directors of the Friends of the HRDu who are very active ambassadors.

Most of the ambassadors are connected with European entities, but some represent the Declaration on most of the continents of the world, notably in America, Africa but also in Asia.

Like Humanity, our ambassadors come from very diverse and complementary backgrounds. They belong to the legal, political, diplomatic, associative, economic and academic worlds, etc.

Click here to see the complete list of HRDu ambassadors and their distribution around the world.


You too can become a signatory of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and join the team of ambassadors of the UDHR!

You can also support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Association by making a donation at the following link:

L'intervention de Corinne Lepage au Forum Women Leaders in Ecology and Development

Presentation of the Declaration at the Women Leaders in Ecology and Development Forum

The Declaration was presented at the 2018 Women Leaders in Ecology and Development Forum held in China on July 6.

The presentation of the Declaration was made in the presence of Corinne Lepage, President of the ADDHu and Nicolas Imbert, Administrator of the ADDHu.


The necessity, the urgency of a paradigm shift in ecological governance … towards multilateralism and new legal bases

“The climate challenge, which can tip humanity into an unpredictable world and which may ultimately be suicidal for the human race itself, calls for a surge of responsibility and therefore for commitments that concern all individuals, all communities and all States. “.

“The unprecedented challenge we are facing invites us to change our paradigm and to imagine another form of governance, one that is based both on multilateralism and on new legal foundations, capable of underpinning our common responsibility. “.


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), a new tool, a common basis…

“Binding nature and humanity together, the principles of the Declaration establish the responsibilities of all and therefore of each individual, whether a natural or legal person, public or private, national or international.

“Because it is a Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Humanity, the DDHu is a common basis, which is not attached to a particular culture or civilization, which does not stigmatize, which does not condemn.”

“But it is an essential foundation for that everyone recognizes his or her responsibility and accepts to commit to the common defense of the human species and the other species that share our planet. ”

Corinne Lepage explained that “It is about the awareness by humanity, in its diversity, of the unity of the problems it faces even if the responsibilities and means of each are not equivalent.

“Integrating at once the ecological challenges, the challenges of development, of peace, and those of technological revolutions, the Declaration aims to encompass the multiple responsibilities that our generation has for those that come before, but also for those that go before.”

Support and latest advances of the Declaration

  • The Declaration has now the support of the former UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-Moon and has been presented to the European Economic and Social Council.
  • The Pacific Forum adopted a declaration in early May 2018 to make every effort to have the text adopted by the various parties before the end of the year.
  • Associations of parliamentarians in Europe, around the Mediterranean, in the French-speaking world have taken up the issue. Numerous European and African bar associations support it, as well as federations of lawyers, including the International Conference of Bars and Law Societies of common tradition.
  • Then, the academic world with the University of Modena being the first signatory, followed to this day by the network of major business schools in Lyon, the International Institute of Francophonie and the Leopold Senghor Chairs, and several universities in France, Europe and the United States.
  • The world of NGOs, including Green Cross France and Territories, OMECA, an organization recognized by the UN and accredited Ecosoc, and many personalities from the world of the environment are signatories. About a hundred companies and economic organizations have joined the movement in which some states are also beginning to take an interest.
Corinne Lepage participe au Forum Women Leaders in Ecology&Development

The declaration will be presented at the Women Leaders in Ecology&Development Forum on July 6

The 10th edition of the
Women’s Forum on Ecology & Development
will be held in Guiyang, China on July 6, 2018. It is an international conference that aims to promote eco-civilization by bringing together world leaders from government, business, academia, media and civil society.

Discussions will include: the challenges of climate change, the challenge of the global climate crisis and the role of women in ecological governance.

Corinne Lepage, president of the Association of Friends of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), will present  on this occasion the 4 principles, 6 rights and 6 duties of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


This event will include the participation of



Nicolas Imbert presented the Declaration at the Pacific Islands Development Forum

During the month of May 2018, Nicolas Imbert, administrator of the Friends of the HRDu Executive Director of Green Cross France et Territoires presented the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the representatives of each delegation present at the Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF).

Therefore, the PIDF adopted, on this occasion, a declaration to make every effort so that the text can be adopted by the different parties (PIDF and State Volunteers in the Pacific) before the United Nations General Assembly in September 2019,

Below is the list of countries that are members of the PIDF Board of Directors.

PIDF member countries:

The officers who are members of the Board of Directors are:

– Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji (President) ;

– President of the Republic of Kiribati ;

– President of the Republic of Nauru ;

– President of the Federated States of Micronesia ;

– President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands ;

– Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands;

– Prime Minister of Vanuatu ;

– Prime Minister of Timor Leste ;

– Prime Minister of Tonga ;

– President of the Pacific Islands Private Sector Organization;

– President of the Pacific Association of Non-Governmental Associations.


The following is a brief introduction to the purpose of the Pacific Islands Development Forum:

The Pacific Islands Development Forum is the first truly representative and participatory platform in the Pacific for the green economy.

It aims to empower the people of the Pacific to be key stakeholders in their development through the green economy in order to initiate processes and make joint decisions on their outcomes.

It also aims to give value to voices never heard at this level of decision-making in the Pacific. Empowering Pacific people to meet the challenges and influence the direction of their lives through the green economy.


You too can become a signatory of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and join the team of ambassadors of the UDHR!

You can also support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Association by making a donation at the following link:

La Fabrique du Futur a signé la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Humanité

The association La Fabrique du Futur has signed the declaration

On May 25, Nicolas Imbert, Executive Director of Green Cross Territoire and member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Friends of the DDHu, allowed the signing of theassociation of the Fabrique du Futur and the company SAS La Fabrique du Futur from their President Eric Seulliet.

La Fabrique du Futur is an association created in 2006 on the initiative of Eric Seulliet. Its purpose is to constitute an operational think tank on foresight and innovation and to federate actors who defend the same values.


Les villes et associations d'Erstein et Endingen signent la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Humanité

The cities and associations of Erstein and Endingen sign the declaration

The city of Erstein signs the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Mayor of the city of Erstein (France) Jean-Marc Willer signed the Declaration committing the city of Erstein.

The city of Endingen signs the Declaration of Human Rights

Jean Marc Willer had also invited Erstein’s German twin city, Endingen, to sign the declaration. Mayor Hans-Joachim Schwarz responded to the request by signing the declaration on behalf of the city of Endingen.


The associations Les éco-citoyens, Nature Ried and Canop’Terre of the city of Erstein have become in turn signatories of the DDHu.




The Association of Eco-citizens of Erstein was created 10 years ago by a group of citizens. It acts on a local scale by organizing events and meetings in order to “reflect collectively on major environmental, social and economic issues”(*). Their actions allow for the exchange of information, feedback and collaboration with other similar associations, around the themes of responsible food, soft transport or natural gardening.



TheAssociation Nature Ried d’Erstein (ANRE) supports the respect and protection of the environment. In particular, it develops plans for the protection of nature in all areas in order to maintain its integrity. Several actions have been carried out by ANRE such as the creation of amphibian ponds to rehabilitate frogs and toads, the installation of nesting boxes for birds or the organization of maintenance workcamps to protect a water source.



The association Canop’Terre of Erstein aims to “transmit the values of agroecology and train to its techniques”(*). Their actions since the beginning of 2018 involve approximately 900 people. They consist in setting up their garden, welcoming school groups to visit it and exchange on gardening techniques.


(*) Sources:

Les parlementaires européens appelés à soutenir une résolution en faveur de la DDHu

European parliamentarians called upon to support a resolution in favour of the HRD

On the occasion of May 25, the Mayor of the City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg, Roland Ries, received the European parliamentarians to call for a resolution in favor of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or that this initiative can be supported. The presentation of the declaration was made with the support of MEPs Michèle Rivasi, Marc Tarabella, Jo Leinen, Sirpa Petikeinen, Frédérique Ries and Charles Goerens.

The HRDu was also presented to the Association of Francophone Mayors and the United Cities and Local Governments organization.

La DDHu a été présentée à l'organisation Cités et Gouvernements Locaux Unis

The HRDu was presented to the United Cities and Local Governments Committee

On May 25, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was presented to the Executive Committee of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG).

Indeed, cities and regions play an increasingly important role in the construction of an equitable and sustainable society. They are making their voices heard on the international scene by forming UCLG associations. “United Cities and Local Governments represents and defends the interests of local and regional governments on the world stage, whatever the size of the communities it supports”. There are 175 UCLG associations worldwide representing 70% of the world’s population.

The objective of these groups is to share their problems and ideas in order to determine a common development strategy while strengthening local governments.

In this respect, the UCLG network shares the values promoted by the HRDu. UCLG’s commitment to the general interest of citizens at societal and environmental levels coincides with that of the Association of Friends of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

For more information on UCLG:

La Journée Littoral, Océan et Climat organisée par Green Cross France et Territoires et l'ESA

The “Coast, Ocean and Climate” Day organized by Green Cross France and the European Space Agency

On Thursday, April 19, the “Coastline, Ocean and Climate” day was held, organized by Green Cross France and Territory and the European Space Agency (ESA), with Nathalie Meusy, Head of Sustainable Development at the ESA.
The conference “Climate: Objective Ocean – islands and coastline from vulnerability to resilience” was co-organized with the European Space Agency (ESA), with the participation of Comité 21, WatchFrog, Missions Publiques, Friends of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Sea Cleaners, 4everGreen, AI for good, Plastics in Society, R20+ Regions of Climate Action, Organic the Jarawas campaign.
The objective of this symposium was to participate in building a coherent and robust response to the 2018 priorities and to address the topic of “vulnerability to resilience,” which is central to discussions such as those at COP24.
The debates were moderated by Nicolas Imbert, Executive Director of Green Cross France and Territories, member of the Board of Directors of the Association of the DDHu. On the occasion of these debates, Corinne Lepage intervened to recall the stakes carried by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Nous sommes l'Humanité

The director and the producer of the film “We are Humanity” sign the declaration!


On April 12, on the occasion of the preview screening of the film at the Musée des arts asiatiques-Guimet, Alexandre Dereims and Claire Beivert signed, in the presence of Nicolas Imbert, Executive Chairman of Green Cross France and Territories and Corinne Lepage, President of the Association of Friends of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, an essential step for the recognition and defense of the human rights of the threatened Jarawas people.


Trailer of the movie: http: //

More than 3 years ago the film team launched a petition and an awareness campaign. This petition aims to put pressure on the Indian government to protect the Jarawas.

The petition has already gathered nearly 245,000 signatures worldwide. You can sign it online: http: //

For more information:

– Video interview with the director in BRUT:
– Film site: https: //
– Jarawa: a people on the brink of extinction, the object of human safaris, August 29, 2017,