Les Amis de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Humanité soutiennent le film “Nous sommes l’Humanité”

Friends of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights support the film “We are Humanity


On April 12, Green Cross France and Territories, the association of the Friends of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Movement of Entrepreneurs of the New Economy (MENE) have co-organized the preview of the breathtaking film: “We are Humanity” presented by Alexandre Dereims, Claire Beilvert, director and producer of the film.

The following description is taken from a Green Cross France et Territoires publication written by Estelle Tschannen.

Alexandre Dereims filmed the last virgin world of the Andaman Islands, and a people on the verge of extinction. “We are Humanity” is their testimony, and gives us an incredible lesson in humanity.

Imagine that you were born in a tropical paradise, on an unspoiled island where nature is generous and beautiful. Imagine that you were born in a world of peace and happiness where everyone helps and respects each other. Imagine that you have always lived totally isolated from the outside world…

This is the life of the Jarawas, the oldest people in the world, the first humans who left Africa for Asia, 70,000 years ago… But today, they are threatened! The Indian government has programmed their forced assimilation. There are only 400 Jarawas left.

Alexandre Dereims, the director, winner of the Albert Londres prize, and Claire Beilvert, the producer, met with them to alert them to their fate and convey their message. Their superb documentary film “We are Humanity” is the only testimony of the oldest of human societies. The film will be released in France on May 2nd. The film can be seen by children from 7 years old. Come with your family.

Trailer of the movie: http: //bit.ly/2qsC0tv

More than 3 years ago the film team launched an awareness campaign and a petition to pressure the Indian government to protect the Jarawas. It has already gathered nearly 245,000 signatures worldwide. You can sign it online: http: //bit.ly/2HwOTtT

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For more information:

– Video interview with the director in BRUT: http://bit.ly/2vcCdpm
– Film site: https: //www.jarawas.com
– Jarawa: a people on the brink of extinction, the object of human safaris, August 29, 2017, http://bit.ly/2HzqpQQ

Présentation de la Déclaration aux 260 invités de la soirée exceptionnelle organisée par l'OMECA

Presentation of the Declaration to the 260 guests of the exceptional evening organized by the OMECA

On Friday, March 16, 2018, Corinne Lepage represented the association of Friends of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is on the occasion of this evening organized by the OMECA (World Organization of Experts – Consultants – Arbitrators) that the HRDu was presented to the 260 guests present. Among these guests were international political and diplomatic representatives.

The Association of Friends of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights thanks OMECA for this exceptional opportunity to share once again the values of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights supports the right of humankind to live in a healthy and ecologically sustainable environment, it also proposes to consider the interdependence between living species and to ensure their right to exist.

Ecologic Pour l'article de la DDHu

The national Eco-organization ECOLOGIC affixes a new signature to the DDHu!

On Tuesday, March 13, Ecologic signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in the person of Mr. René-Louis Perrier, President of Ecologic and in the presence of Ms. Lepage, lawyer and former Minister of the Environment and MEP.

Ecologic is an eco-organization approved by the State to organize the collection, the depollution and the recovery of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) on the French territory. Invested with a mission of general interest, Ecologic is now part of the companies that have signed the DDHu!

If you also wish to sign the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, you can contact the Friends of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by mail at 42 rue de Lisbonne 75008 Paris !

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The International Institute of La Francophonie signs the declaration!

On this Wednesday, March 7, 2018, the International Institute of La Francophonie (2IF) adds its signature to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Olivier Garro, director of 2IF, received as guests Mrs. Corinne Lepage (lawyer, former Minister of the Environment and MEP) and Nicolas Imbert (Executive Director of Green Cross France & Territories).

Corinne Lepage and Nicolas Imbert then led a conference-debate before the students of the Master 2 and the University Diploma “Francophonie New Economy and Sustainable Development” on “The Universal Rights of Humanity: issues and difficulties”.



IBC adopts a resolution on the HRD

The International Conference of Bars and Law Societies (ICBS), meeting in Haiti from December 6 to 9, adopted Resolution No. 7 on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, enshrining the principles of :

  • responsibility, equity and solidarity within and between generations;
  • dignity of humanity;
  • continuity of the existence of humanity;
  • non-discrimination;

During this congress, the IBC affirmed its commitment to the principles of the HRD and recalled the essential role of the lawyer in civil society. It has therefore decided to adopt the Declaration and is committed to carrying and promoting this text.


[gview file=”https://droitshumanite.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Resolution-n7CIB.pdf”]
Aix Marseille 2

The University of Aix-Marseille becomes the first University in France to sign the DDHu!

On Wednesday, February 21, the association of the friends of the DDHu was invited by the Bar of Marseille on the occasion of the Open House of the University of Aix-Marseille.

It was an opportunity for us to meet the pedagogical team of the University as well as the (future) students present and to present them the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Therefore, the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Aix-Marseille, Mr. Jean-Philippe AGRESTI, has agreed to sign the DDHu on behalf of the University of Aix-Marseille.


La Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Humanité commentée article par article

The Declaration commented by article

In March, the book “Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article by article commentary” will be published in order to reinforce the legitimacy of the legal work that has been done on this declaration.
Drafted at the initiative of the President of the French Republic by a team of specialized jurists, under the leadership of Corinne Lepage, the HRDu sets out new rights and duties in the face of the climate emergency and the relative powerlessness of States to address it.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is based on the statement of four main principles:

  • Responsibility, equity and solidarity;
  • Dignity;
  • Continuity of the existence of humanity;
  • Non-discrimination on the basis of generation.

Its objective is to reconcile, in a sustainable way, human rights, human dignity and the maintenance of environmental rights for the entire planet.

In this book, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is accompanied by commentaries, article by article, written by Jean-Christophe Barboto, Baptiste Bonnet, Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen, Hubert Delzangles, Nicolas de Sadeleer, Edouard Dubout, Émilie Gaillard, Juilan Jernandez, Catherine Le Bris, Rafaelle Maison, Maurice Meda, Agnès Michelot, Laurent Sermet, Francois-Guy Trébulle, Sébastien van Drooghenbroeck and Claire Vial, all recognized specialists in environmental law, human rights and public law.
Under the direction of :
Christian Huglo is a lawyer at the Paris Bar.
Fabrice Picod is a professor at the University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, Jean Monnet Chair, and director of the European Law Center.
Lyon DDHu (2)

The Ecole de Commerce de Lyon group signs the declaration!

On Tuesday, January 23, 2018, the Ecole de Commerce de Lyon group received as a guest Ms. Corinne Lepage, appointed by the French Presidency to carry the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on behalf of France at the UN and on the sidelines of COP 21 for a conference on the theme of :

“Universal human rights: issues and challenges”.

At the end of the conference, the Ecole de Commerce de Lyon group, which represents 11 schools across France, signed the DDHu, becoming the second academic entity, along with the University of Modena in Italy, to sign the declaration.

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FAQ – The Declaration in 13 questions

  • Why a universal declaration of human rights when there is already a universal declaration of human rights? The time has come because the stakes have changed. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, whose effective application is more necessary than ever, is concerned with the rights and freedoms of each individual. It does not respond to the collective issues of the rights of future generations, public goods, climate change, the sixth destruction of species, the endangerment of human, animal and plant health by chemical pollution or transhumanism. The purpose of the Universal Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Mankind is precisely to establish the principles and rules to ensure an appropriate response.


  • What is the HRDu? The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the first text to recognize the rights and duties of humanity to ensure its own sustainability and that of other living species in the face of contemporary ecological and technological challenges. In short, it lays the foundations of a general planetary interest in which civil society is the main actor and guarantor rather than the States. That is why it is the only text to date that is signed by both public entities, non-governmental organizations, companies, universities and citizens.


  • How was this text born? This text was born from an initiative of the President of the French Republic within the framework of the preparation of the cop 21; he charged Mrs Lepage to write a text fixing the responsibility of the current generations with regard to the great climatic and ecological stakes. Subsequently, civil society in all its forms, public entities, bar associations, NGOs, took up the Declaration in order to support it by the greatest number.


  • What is the purpose of the UDHR? The Declaration, which has been drawn up in the form of a declaration with an extremely simple content (4 principles, 6 rights, 6 duties), not only has a moral and unifying impact on a project for humanity; it is also a legal act that everyone can use. In this regard, in two months, a book of article-by-article commentaries by 16 law professors on the Declaration will be released, highlighting the jurisprudential capacity of each of the articles. It is part of the great movement launched on climate justice and which will progressively extend to all areas that concern the dignity and rights of humanity. It is a tool at the service of all those who want to act in favor of the sustainability of life on Earth.


  • What are we committing to by signing the declaration? The signing of the declaration is above all a moral commitment to respect the rights and especially the obligations contained therein. But it is also a legal commitment. In other words, non-compliance with the obligations could be invoked as it is already the case for charters and various declarations subscribed by public and private entities. Its strength comes from its less formal character than other acts, from the importance of its dissemination in civil society, in public communities as well as in the private sector, and especially from its content.


  • Who can sign the declaration and how? Any individual, any public or private entity can sign the declaration directly on the website ( https://droitshumanite.fr/sign/ ) or in a more formal way by organizing a signing event with a representative of the association of friends of the declaration.

  • What is the Association of Friends of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? It is an association intended to bring together the signatories of the declaration and to define the development strategy to obtain the most support possible. This association, chaired by Corinne Lepage, relies on a board of directors, on some twenty ambassadors and on the signatories who themselves agree to actively support the declaration.

  • Who has signed up to date? Cities such as Strasbourg, Paris or Modena, regions such as the region of Tangier-Tetouan, a State, many French, European and African bars, NGOs, thousands of citizens and personalities from very different worlds such as Matthieu Ricard, Edgar Morin, Jean-François Clervoy, Yann Arthus Bertrand and many others

  • What can it bring to a city or a region? The mayor of Strasbourg, who was the first to sign the declaration, answered this question perfectly. Since then, all the cities that have adopted the declaration have done so unanimously, regardless of their political sensibilities. This simply means that cities, departments, regions and more generally public authorities are today the first actors and guarantors for their fellow citizens of the adaptation to the indispensable transformations and of the short and long term security.

  • What can it bring to a company? The status of the company in society is changing profoundly. Beyond its primary function of production, the company needs more than ever to have meaning for itself and its employees. Social and environmental responsibility is now part of the law. Moreover, a certain number of countries now recognize, as in France, a duty of vigilance or, as in the United States, the responsibility of parent companies for their subsidiaries. In all cases, adherence to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms a company’s sense of responsibility, its willingness to take a long-term view and to participate in the definition of a form of general planetary interest, which is increasingly demanded by those who work for it as well as by society.

  • What can it bring to an NGO? Whatever the purpose of the NGO, including human rights, adherence to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights can only strengthen and reinforce its action by inscribing it in the inter-generational and long-term as well as in a global vision, and this without there being any competition between the organizations. It is indeed the sharing of a common struggle for a viable and desirable future that is at the heart of all the actions of non-governmental organizations.

  • What can a bar bring? Lawyers are the spearhead of the universal declaration. All French Bars, the European Bars Conference, and probably soon a part of the International Bar Association, 19 African and European Bars have adhered to the declaration. It is natural that this text be carried by lawyers, and eventually by lawyers all over the world, simply because it is in the DNA of a lawyer to defend rights and because humanity more than any other entity needs to be defended.


  • What can it bring to a university? The first university to sign the declaration was Modena in Italy and the second will be Aix-en-Provence. It is obvious that a university which has the double characteristic to carry the research and the teaching on the one hand the youth on the other hand must be by definition an active part in fact of the universal declaration of the rights of the humanity.